Radio School

Cliff Porter, W3IYI (now deceased) was my mentor for Ham Radio. He was instrumental in so many ways by teaching Ham Radio operators the theory and in his day the Morse Code Requirements. His influence lives on remembering his mastery of CW as what was in essence a second language. Cliff was totally blind so the code was his voice on HF bands at incredible speed. Cliff never, as I remember watching him, wrote the CW copy on paper. Simply hearing words and phrases he could remember the conversation and respond with the appropriate content using CW. Using that old Hallicrafters receiver Cliff tuned in the world with his ladder line fed wire antenna strung out his basement window.  Seemed like his reception was on par with the owners of the Yagi beam antennas.  The rugged Hallicrafters SX-101A Cliff used so well. OH, THOSE OLD TOGGLE SWITCHES...Amazing!